Posted on: September 17, 2020 Posted by: Flenn Freeman Comments: 0

We all know that reducing, reusing and recycling waste can help save the planet, but there is one more ‘r’ word to consider: repair. A lot of times, items that are “broken” can actually be repaired for less than the cost of replacement, as long as you have a little know-how and are willing to take the extra step.


How are you supposed to fix anything if your tools are broken? One of the first steps to repairing more and replacing less is to have the tools you need and know how to use them. Obviously this depends slightly on what you will be repairing most often, but even something as simple as a basic multitool can take you a long way. Just remember, if any of your equipment stops working, look into equipment repair and tool sharpening Hilton Head Island or your area before you go replacing anything. 


Perhaps the easiest and most beginner-friendly item to repair is clothing. Buy a needle and thread, if you don’t have one already, and watch some tutorials. Hemming, patching and replacing buttons can cut down on the waste in your house dramatically. 


Accessories are another thing that can often be repaired with very little training. Most broken jewelry can be repaired with simple needle-nosed pliers and a little patience. Shoes, purses, wallets and belts of good quality can be patched with a little more skill, or taken to a specialist for repairs. 


Technology is perhaps the greatest offender when it comes to unnecessary waste. Before you replace your phone or computer with a needless upgrade, ask yourself if what you really need is a new battery and some extra storage. 

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Repairing these items instead of replacing them means less waste in landfills and less waste producing extra items that no one needs. It also saves you money and frustration!