Posted on: March 10, 2022 Posted by: Flenn Freeman Comments: 0

There’s nothing more refreshing than a pool on a hot day. Pools are fun, but they can also be a dangerous area for kids. Accidents, including drowning, are the leading cause of preventable deaths in kids ages 1-14. To avoid tragedy, here are four ways to keep your pool safe.

1. Teach Children the Rules

The first thing you should do to make your pool safe is to teach your kids the rules. Make sure they understand the basics like wearing lifejackets, never going near the pool alone and not swimming during a thunderstorm. They should also never go in over their head until they’re experienced swimmers.

2. Put Up a Pool Fence

Not only will a fence make your pool area safer, but it’s also the law. Pool fences should be a minimum of four feet tall and have no gaps. Door latches should be high up out of a child’s reach. To design a secure barrier around your pool, call a professional specializing in pool fences Tallahassee FL.

3. Install a Special Alarm

Another effective device for securing your pool area is a special alarm. A pool alarm is attached to your pool’s gate and lets you know when it’s been opened. There are also motion sensor alarms that alert you to anyone nearing or falling into your pool.

4. Check Your Pool’s Drain

All pools have drains that may present a danger to a small child. Drains use suction to filter out dirt and debris and can pull small children under or catch their hair. To prevent injury or even drowning, have the proper type of drain cover and never leave children alone near the pool.

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Some of the best childhood memories are made by the pool. Make sure they’re all good memories by having the right fence, alarm and family rules in place.