Posted on: January 22, 2024 Posted by: Flenn Freeman Comments: 0

If you are considering hiring a divorce attorney, it is essential to ask the right questions. You want a knowledgeable attorney to help you through this difficult time.

You should also find out whether the attorney has trial experience. It is not ideal for a case to go to trial, but if it does, you want to know that your lawyer has the right skills.

How Will You Keep in Touch With Me?

How often your lawyer checks in with you is crucial to how comfortable you work with them. Find out if they prefer to communicate via email or phone, what their return call policy is, and how often they will update your case progress.

Having a clear understanding of how your Tampa divorce lawyer will keep in touch with you throughout the divorce process is essential. You should also know how they will handle conflicts of interest that may arise in your case.

If you need clarification, ask how they handled similar conflict situations in the past. This will help you determine if they are the right fit for your position.

What Documents Do You Need From Me?

If you have children, your lawyer must access all child custody records. Your attorney will also need financial documents, including a list of your current checking, savings, money market, investment, and retirement accounts, jointly with your spouse and individually.

Your lawyer may need to work with your spouse’s attorney and other professionals, such as forensic accountants or physicians. If this is the case, finding out how much you can expect those fees to add up to is essential. Also, ask your lawyer how frequently they will check in with you – whether by email, phone, video conference, or in-person meetings.

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Do You Have Experience?

Especially if you are filing for divorce in a same-sex marriage, it is essential to find an attorney with experience handling similar cases. Attorneys with experience in same-sex marriages will be better equipped to navigate the unique challenges of these cases, such as property division and custody.

Also, ask about the attorney’s overall philosophy regarding divorce cases. For example, some attorneys prefer to mediate and negotiate instead of going to trial. If the attorney’s philosophies do not align with your goals, you will likely clash, and the case may drag on.

Are You a Good Fit?

Over several months, you will spend much time communicating with your lawyer about personal matters. It would help to find someone whose personality and style mesh well with yours.

If you feel uncomfortable or ill at ease during your consult, that’s not a good sign. Divorce lawyers are not the same as other professionals — you want someone who can be trusted with your family’s most private details and understands what you are going through.

If your attorney’s office is large, you should ask to meet the associates or team members handling your case. This is an excellent way to understand the firm’s culture and work ethic.

What Are Your Fees?

Divorce can be expensive, and filing fees and attorney’s rates vary by state. It’s a good idea to ask potential attorneys how much they charge per work hour to determine whether their prices fit your budget.

It would help if you also asked about their opinion on different elements of your case, such as sole versus joint custody or the possibility of domestic violence or abuse. Answering these questions will help you understand how your attorney approaches cases like yours.

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You should also find out if the attorney you interview will handle your case or if they will hand it off to another lawyer in their firm.

What Are Your Fee Structures?

The cost of your divorce will vary depending on the specifics of your case. Some variables include:

Fault vs no-fault divorce – contested divorces alleging defects are generally longer, more complex, and require more attorney hours. Custody disputes and support issues also increase costs. Hiring experts like accountants and business and property appraisers can also add up quickly.

Often, you can save on attorney fees by handling some parts of your case alone or hiring a less expensive lawyer for limited-scope representation. If your spouse is cooperative and willing to negotiate, this will also help lower your legal costs.

How Will You Keep in Touch With Me?

It would help if you communicated regularly with your divorce lawyer. If you provide your attorney with the information she needs, she can achieve your goals for the case.

Ask your potential attorney how often they prefer to communicate with clients and how long it generally takes them to respond to emails or phone calls. This will help you determine if they are the right fit for you and your case.

Ask your prospective divorce attorney about their strategy for handling your case. Remember that the specific details may change throughout the process, but knowing how they will approach your unique situation is promising.