Posted on: May 22, 2020 Posted by: Flenn Freeman Comments: 0

During the winter months, you may notice a spike in your home’s energy costs because you’re using more energy to heat your home. There are a couple things that you may be able to do in order to save energy without trying to get by with less heat.

Keep Your Home’s HVAC System Well-Maintained

Every residential HVAC system needs to be cleaned and serviced annually. A system that hasn’t been maintained won’t operate efficiently and will likely consume more energy. If you haven’t had your system serviced in over a year, you should get help as soon as possible. If you need assistance with heating repair Berlin MD, you should look for a company who can advise you about what type of service your system needs and also provide you with an assessment about how much longer you may be able to continue to expect to be able to use your system. Typically, the lifespan of a residential HVAC system is about ten years, but they can work for shorter or longer depending on how well-maintained they are. Ultimately, you shouldn’t wait until you have a problem to get help with your home’s HVAC system.

Use an Electric Fireplace

If your home doesn’t have a fireplace, an electric fireplace may be a welcome substitute. These fireplaces produce real flame, and they can heat a small space very effectively. Compared to a traditional space heater, they use less energy and present less of a hazard from being left on. However, they should be monitored while in use. They don’t require any type of kindling, and they don’t need any form of ventilation.

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Lowering your home’s heating costs may not necessarily require bundling up or having to tolerate a colder living environment. Keeping your home warm is an essential part of making it comfortable. Don’t settle for being cold; instead, try to be energy efficient.